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Event Spotlight
Greatly increase the visibility of your jazz event while boosting ticket sales with All About Jazz's Event Spotlight service. Spotlight gives an event prime placement on the Jazz Near You home page, on the Jazz Near You calendar page, and in our weekly newsletter (90,000+ subscribers).
The Spotlight service runs for four weeks ($40), eight weeks ($70) or twelve weeks ($90). The ad runs up to the purchased duration from the event date. Livestreamed events appear across all Jazz Near You websites and are included across our entire newsletter mailing list. (see additional instructions in the comments section below.)
Wide Coverage
On the home page
Spotlight events appear at the top of the Jazz Near You home page
On the calendar page
Spotlight events appear at the top of every calendar page.
In the Weekly Newsletter
Spotlight events appear above the group of listed events in the subscription version (90,000+ subscribers) and the on demand version of our weekly email newsletter. Sent every Thursday.
Gold star treatment
Spotlight events are also identified with a gold star on all Jazz Near You pages.
Upload your event to Jazz Near You prior to placing your order.
Example of Spotlight ads on the Jazz Near You home page...